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Job Security in the Pastorate

By January 5, 2012No Comments

Lots of people are feeling very insecure about their jobs these days. That’s true for ordained pastors as well. The average attendance at worship has fallen in the last few years across denominational lines and many churches are finding it difficult to support a full time pastorate. For those of us who are called to the ordained ministry, it is important to distinguish between being hired by a church and being called to ministry.

In one sense, we could say that since all have sinned, the need for pastors is more critical than ever.

For me, at least, the fact that all have sinned, provides me with some sense of job security.

Picture the effect on the churches of our community if sin suddenly disappeared?
Can’t you just see the fire sales going on around the city? “Going out of business. Not enough sin. All items on sale.
Prayers are half-price. Incense and candles at 70% off.
Unemployed preachers free if you will carry them off.
Self-righteous pronouncements bundled upon request.
Great buildings for rent with excellent wine cellars.

It would have been a whole lot easier if God had had the good sense to make ethics profitable but in the mean time, the need for ministry grows by leaps and bounds.

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