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By September 10, 2014No Comments

The Presbytery Pastoral Care Network
15th Annual Conference
Rediscovering the Beloved Community:
Overcoming Isolation
October 27-30, 2014
First Presbyterian Church
Fort Worth, Texas
presented in collaboration with the Synod of the Sun….

Topics to be addressed

Five reasons you care about clergy
Understanding God’s call
Toxic effect of clergy isolation
Image of healthy and unhealthy clergy
Addictive behavior among clergy
The place of humor in ministry
Educating a congregation regarding clergy health
Spiritual revitalization for self and church

Stephen McCutchan

Key Note speaker

After serving three churches in the pastoral ministry for 38 years, Steve focuses his energies in retirement on developing resources to nurture and support the health of clergy.

He leads workshops on clergy health and maintains a weekly blog reflecting on the life of clergy, He has written thirteen books including a three-volume devotional for pastors based on the Revised Common Lectionary and an award-winning book on using the Psalms in ministry.

In 2013 he published a mystery novel, A Star and A Tear, and three volumes of short stories about various experiences of clergy life available on Amazon.

He will release at the conference three books under the theme Healthy Clergy Make Healthy Congregations:

  • A Company of Pastors: Overcoming Isolation in the Pastorate,
  • An Interim Pastor’s Gift: Educating a Congregation About Clergy Health
  • God Laughs—Why Don’t You?: Making Use of Humor in the Practice of Ministry

For more information, see

Hope to see you there

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