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ClergyEmotional Health

Judicatory Surprise

By February 26, 2009No Comments

We are working on a clergy appreciation event that I think could have good dividends for others as well. Each year the month of October is noted as Clergy Appreciation Month. We are trying to arrange a very nice clergy appreciation banquet for our community.

Here are some of the details that we are working on. First, we are trying to contact the lay leaders of as many congregations as possible and ask them if they would be willing to do two things in appreciation of the work of their pastor(s). First, would they be willing to find $100 to pay for the pastor and spouse to attend the banquet. Second, would they be willing to compose a letter describing their appreciation of the pastor’s work in their church.

The $100 pays for two people’s dinner at an attractive hotel in the city. The letters will all be all be placed in a box and a drawing will be held at the banquet. The winner will have a two night stay at the hotel. The other letters of appreciation will be sent to the pastors.

The program will include both a comedy routine that allows us to laugh at some of the stressful aspects of ministry and we will also have an inspiring speaker that lifts up the nobleness of the call in which they are engaged. We believe that the ecumenical character of the event will also have some positive benefits for the community.

While we are working through a local counseling center that has a division focused on congregational health, the same event could be arranged by some judicatory leaders working together. If we are able to generate some good pubicity for the event, it may also trigger some expressions of appreciation even from congregations that don’t participate.

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