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Language of Loving God

By March 20, 2009No Comments

As I continue to explore how we practice the love of God, I am struck with the fact that the language of heaven reflected in the Book of Revelation is the language of music. The angels sing around the throne. In some ways we have always known this as it has shaped our worship.

Music has the particular quality of engaging body, mind, emotion, and spirit in ways that few other actions do. If someone begins to sing words of praise, they are offering love of God with all their “heart, soul, mind, and strength.” It is generally accepted that the psalms were originally sung prayers.

Of course this is easier for someone who is naturally a good singer than most of the rest of us, but if God is the audience, perhaps we can trust that the Spirit intercedes with tone corrective power to transform our offerings.

What I am suggesting is that one could pull off in an area where you are not heard by others and engage in singing your love for God. Depending on your musical tastes, it could be a variety of hymns, songs, etc. For a beginning a couple come to mind: Great Is Thy Faithfulness or How Great Thou Art. Don’t worry about your skills, but try singing them out lustfully and note your own experience of offering this as love to God.

You could move from there to creating your own tunes for some of the Psalms and see how that worked. I would suggest Psalm 8 as an interesting beginning experiement and then you could move on to other psalms of praise. If the psalms are our school of prayer and music is one of the languages of heaven, then perhaps pouring your soul out in this fashion could be a way to love God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

I would be interested in hearing other ways that you have found in focusing in on the love of God.

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