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Laughing at Stress

By March 8, 20102 Comments

I just found a wonderful website that reflects the Lutheran’s (The ECLA variety)commitment to wholeness for their clergy. You can find it at .

One of the articles by Laura Gentry illustrates how laughter can be good medicine for a congregation during a stressful time. I share this part of it:

No heat on Sunday
It was less than 50 degrees inside
the church building when I arrived
for worship one Sunday morning in
February. I turned up all the thermostats,
but to no avail. After an hour,
it had only gotten colder. My toes
were growing numb in my church
shoes. When parishioners started
arriving, they were clearly annoyed.
Our church has a laughter club,
though, so we know how to handle
stress: we laugh! Conducting the
worship service in my big down
coat and polka-dotted wool hat, I
began with the announcements.
“I’ve learned that we can laugh at
anything,” I said, “so I’m going to
tell you what’s going on, and after
each statement, I want you to laugh
out loud. It’s less than 50 degrees
in here! Ha ha ha! We’ve just
discovered that we’re out of fuel
oil! Ha ha ha! And the fuel oil
truck won’t start because it’s 20
below outside so we’re just going
to be cold today! Ha ha ha!”
By laughing about the frustrating
situation, we raised our heart rates
and felt warmer right away. It put
everyone in a joyful mood. Even
though we were freezing, we
chuckled our way through the
service and ended up having a
great time.

I had not heard of a laughter club before but will try to find out more about it. I think it would be a good idea for clergy to belong to such a club.


  • Laura Gentry says:

    Thanks for posting this. Laughter is truly life-giving and so helpful for clergy and their congregations. I’m currently producing a CD for laughter as a Christian meditation. Find out more at my website.

  • Steve says:

    Laura, I’m glad that you saw my blog about your article. I will be interested in your CD. I’ve recently been engaged in creating some stand-up comedy about the life of ministry. My latest routine is titled, “What If Jesus Were Joking.” I’m also playing with creating a CD with two singers, David Bailey and Bryan McFarland combining comedy and comic songs to lift the spirits of pastors. The tentative title, building on a previous CD that David and I produced, is “Laughter From the Well.”

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