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Church in an Evolving WorldClergyCongregations


By March 18, 20203 Comments


It appears that we may be moving as a society into a period of both limited lockdowns as a society and a series of two to three weeks of isolation for many individuals. While, as churches, we have emphasized the importance of community gathering for both connecting with God and each other, the truth we build upon is that we are connected with God and neighbor even when we are separated from each other.

As spiritual leaders, I think it is important that we guide our congregations in exploring ways to not only interrupt the experience of isolation but even explore the creative possibilities during this period of uncertainty and fear.


While it is important that we connect and build community beyond our congregation, let me suggest that we begin with the already connected community. We are accustomed to gathering for worship at specified times—frequently on Sunday. That regularity provides a sense of order to our lives. Many congregations are exploring some form of streaming to enable people to continue to gather for worship. Others are exploring the possibility of on-line Bible Study classes.


 The Jewish people coming out of Egyptian slavery were given the Ten Commandments to structure their lives in fearful and uncertain times. On examining the structure of the Ten Commandments, one sees that they focus on how we relate to God, (4 commandments) and how we relate to our neighbor (6 commandments.). What if this crisis provided us the opportunity to restate and reaffirm in our language how we should relate to God and neighbor in this anxious world in which we live?

Can you think of a more important time to facilitate a discussion and reflection on the basic pillars of our faith and how they speak to our current situation? Recalling the basic structure of the Ten Commandments, invite your community to identify three or four basic beliefs, write a couple of brief sentences about them. Have someone compile the statements shared into a composite list that is returned to each person with the purpose of trying to choose the ten most important commandments for your current life together in this most uncertain time.


In times of comfort, it is easy to allow our understanding of faith to become abstract and not be the center of our awareness. When we experience chaos and anxiety, it is very important to remember who and whose we are. Spiritual leaders can offer an opportunity to reaffirm what is truly important in our lives and how that is best experienced in the community.

I will continue to explore the possibilities and promises we can offer our world in these uncertain times. I invite you to join me in these conversations.

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Steve McCutchan


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