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Let the Psalms Teach You

By March 18, 2009No Comments

Dietrick Bonhoeffer spoke of the psalms as a school for prayer. It is interesting to take seriously that possibility in learning how to spend time loving God.

For one of the times that you choose to spend loving God, choose one of the psalms of praise and let it shape your thoughts and words of love for God.

For example, begin with one of the most familiar psalms, Psalm 23. It is so familiar that it is difficult to experience it fresh. Yet it is a very good path to follow as an experience of loving God.

Take the psalm and replace the pronouns with your name. Then slowly pray the psalm, without text if possible, stopping regularly to reflect on how each part evokes feelings about God.

Next you might want to replace the words that are meant to speak of God with the second person pronoun. For example, “You are my shepherd, I shall not want.” Again pause repeatedly to note your feelings about God.

What you are doing is to allow the psalm to frame your loving contemplation of God. You could also use other psalms of praise in the same manner. Make it very personal as if you are in direct communication with God.

When you are through, note how the experience makes you feel.

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