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List of Ten — A Congregation

By July 22, 2011No Comments

As a way of reflecting on what it is that both satisfies and frustrates you in ministry, I suggest you make use of the list of ten idea that we have been exploring in a new way. Make a list of ten statements about what you would most like to see happen in the congregation that you are serving. At least one list of ten should be ten things that you think can realistically happen in the next five years. In once sense this is goal setting but in another sense you are exploring your vision for ministry.

A different but interesting way to approach this would be to make a list of ten things that would be true about a congregation that took their faith seriously and were actively invested in being a faithful congregation. Be both theological and practical in your list. What type of questions would such a congregation be continually asking themselves? How would such a congregation respond to conflict within its community? How would such a congregation welcome prominent people who visited? How would they welcome the poor, or those who were clearly different than the majority of the congregation? How would such a congregation relate to their pastor? In what way would they discuss difficult ethical issues, political issues, theological issues?

Once you have some lists of ten with respect to the congregation, go back and reflect on them with respect to what they say about your theological approach to ministry. Are there certain theological themes that seem to run through your lists? To be blunt about it, how do you think Jesus would respond to your lists? Are there some statements that you would be more pleased to share with him than others?

Finally, you might want to find a trusted colleague with whom you would share this exercise by having both of you make your lists of ten and then reflecting on them together.

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