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By December 30, 2022One Comment

A Litany for 2023

(Feel free to make use of all or part of this litany with attribution.)
Leader:        When people told Jesus to silence his disciples, he said, “I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out.”

People:          We will not be silent!

Leader:          We have used gifts entrusted to this community to support those whose personal funds run short.

People:          We will not be silent!

Leader:        We are asked to listen to those in need and volunteer in the various ways of service in and beyond or community.

People:          We will not be silent!

Leader:           We are called to be a light to the nations, and we pray for our nation that we will care for all who live among us.

People:          We will not be silent!

Leader:        We are called by God to be a light of welcome to strangers who come to us as lonely neighbors.

People:          We will not be silent!

Leader:          We are called by God to be a light of truth to those who labor and are overburdened in our world.

People:          We will not be silent!

Leader:        We are called by God to be a light of hope to those who hunger in body and soul.

People:          We will not be silent!

Leader:        Peter said, “Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God’s sight. Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house.”

People:         We commit ourselves to listen to God’s call and not being silent in response.

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