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Listening To God (Retreat) Part 2

By January 7, 2010No Comments

Second Session:

9:00: Prayer and Explanation of Use of Scripture.

9:10:Building on work of Session 1. Step 3: Take one question at a time from Session 1. Allow for a time of meditative prayer and ask each member to consider what biblical story, hymn, or liturgical event in the worship of the church comes to mind when they are reflecting on this faith question. It is not important that the elders or leaders understand the connection but simply identify what comes to their minds. They are invited to trust that God brought it to their minds for a reason.

In the total group, they are invited to share results of their personal reflection and make a list of the Biblical stories, Hymns, etc. that have came to mind.

9:45: Step 4: Invite the whole group to play with some of the biblical stories or liturgical acts identified and seek out possible connections.
Make analogical connections: Don’t worry about being precise.
Identify possible ways that God is speaking to your church through this issue.

10:10: Break
10:20: Step 5:
Review rules of response for creativity.
When a person makes a suggestion, others respond first with what they liked about the idea?
Then any concerns that occur are expressed are concerns for the entire group to address?
Share list of Elder gifts and Congregational underused gifts with Elders. (Have copies)

In small groups, brainstorm how such gifts and other gifts in the congregation of which you are aware might be combined to respond to the challenge God is placing before your church at this time.

Share the results of brainstorming.

10:45: Step 6:
Pick one or two challenges that seem most easy to address.
Name 3 first steps with dates and responsibilities to take.
Agree to report back to session on progress.

Revisit additional challenges named in two months and repeat action steps.

11:15 Closing Scripture and Prayer

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