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Denominational StaffPsalm prayers

Litany Affirming the Ministry of a Presbytery

By September 15, 2011No Comments

Here is another Psalm prayer that can be used at a presbytery meeting.

Salem Presbytery, 2011
Psalm 63 (Adapted)

L: O God, you are ((Salem’s)) God, (we) seek you, (our) soul thirsts for you;(our structures yearn for you), (our) flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

P: (we) have looked upon you in the sanctuary, (We have debated our issues before you) beholding your power and glory.

L: Because your steadfast love is better than ( our wisdom) (our) lips will praise you. (Worship is the center of Salem’s life.)

P: (We) will bless you as long as (we) live; (Salem will bless you as long as we exist as a Presbytery.)

L (we) will lift up (our) hands and call on your name.

P: (Our) soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, (Our congregations have experienced your rich blessings) and (our) mouths praises you with joyful lips

L: When (we) think of you on (our) bed,

P: (When we consider you in our meetings ) and meditate on you in the watches of the night;

L: (We know) you have been (our) help, and in the shadow of your wings (we) sing for joy.

P: (Our) soul clings to you; (Salem’s spirit depends on you) your right hand upholds (us).

L Those who seek to destroy (our) life shall go down into the depths of the earth;

P: ( Those who seek to splinter the Body of Christ will know your absence)

L: They shall be given over to the power of the sword, (they shall experience their own divisions) they shall be prey for jackals.

P: But the king shall rejoice in God;

L: (Christ is Salem’s king)) all who swear by him shall exult, for the mouths of liars will be stopped.

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