L: When a congregation refuses to forgive each other but engages in open arguments and fighting,
P We lament that the public holds the church in ridicule & the Body of Christ is shamed.
L: When sexual scandals are exposed in the church,
P: We lament that the ethics of our faith have been violated & the attraction of the faith is tarnished.
L: When a congregation ignores public judgment and restores a sinner with grace and forgiveness,
P We rejoice, O Lord, at the joy in heaven over one who was lost and is found.
L: When a congregation refuses to be constrained by bigotry and prejudice,
P: Our tongues are filled with laughter at the joy of being ambassadors of reconciliation.
L: When a congregation is captured by greed and glitz,
P: We ignore Jesus promise, “Blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
L: When a congregation demonstrates forgiveness of each other,
P: We rejoice that your grace has been shared.
L: When a congregation is consumed by self-righteousness,
P We lament that fear has triumphed over grace.
L: When a congregation gives sacrificially to support ministry beyond themselves,
P: We feel the deep joy of being Christ’s Body.
L: When a congregation is unafraid to do justice, love, mercy, and to walk humbly with our God,
P: We witness a people who trust God for their future.
L: When a congregation becomes self-centered in decision-making,
P: We lament that unlike Christ, survival is more important than obedience.
L: When a congregation and pastor are in conflict,
P: We lament that ears are deaf to the leading of the Spirit.
L When pastors challenge prophetically and congregations grow in response,
P: We are blessed to grow in faith.
L: When Churches compete rather than cooperate in ministry,
P: The Body of Christ does not love each other as Christ loved us.
L: When pastors self promote and climb ladders of success,
P: Congregations pay the price of being used rather than served.
L: When congregations are prophetic in mission,
P: We rejoice that the Spirit is on the move.
L: When Christians laugh at their own pretentiousness,
P: The Spirit is free to get a word in edgewise.