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Litany on return from Sabbatical

By August 10, 2011No Comments

I thought you might like to see a sample of a litany that a congregation can use to welcome back a pastor from being on sabbatical. It was used to welcome back Doug McLeroy and his wife, Dana, at the church where I filled in during his absence.

Welcoming Douglas McLeroy Back from Sabbatical
August 14, 2011

L:God said to Jeremiah, “I chose you (Jeremiah 1:4)
P: We recognize that God’s call comes to all of us from out of eternity. Today we celebrate that God’s call came to Douglas McLeroy to be pastor at First Presbyterian Church.
L: Paul reported a vision that changed the direction of his call. I “saw a Macedonian standing and begging (me), ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us!’ (We) decided that God had called us to preach the Good News to the people there.”
P: We celebrate your courage and faithfulness in hearing God’s call six years ago to move from being a military chaplain to being our pastor. We rejoice that you have had this sabbatical and welcome you and Dana’s return to be among us.
L: God has commissioned us in the words of Matthew 28:19: “Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples; baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
P: As members of First Presbyterian in Reidsville, we renew our commitment to your leadership in helping us to fulfill this great commission. May your work prosper and may our spiritual, financial, and physical support of our shared ministry increase.
L: As you did at your installation to this ministry, we invite you, Doug McLeroy, and you, Dana McLeroy to come before the Lord and accept our continued affirmation of your ministry among us
Corporate Prayer:
O God, who made of one blood all races and nations of earth, and sent your Son Jesus Christ to preach peace to those who are far off and to those who are near; pour out your spirit on Douglas McLeroy and our church that we may be faithful to Christ’s commission and demonstrate your love to all of our neighbors. Bless and deepen the power of your spirit in each of us. Empower us to demonstrate the fruits of your spirit that testifies to the world that we are indeed your disciples.

Let us rise and sing the Gloria Patria.

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