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Liturgical Affirmation of Church’s Ministry

By July 25, 2012No Comments

Liturgy is the work of the people lifted up in praise to God. Occasionally it is good to lift up the work of the church in praise and affirmation. Let me provide you an example of a church that did that in the presentation of their budget.

Litany of the Trinity Budget for 2012
Based on Psalm 100

Personnel and Finance:

L: We support the work of our pastor, director of music, pianist, and administrative assistant.

P: With thanks to God who created Trinity Presbyterian church and sees it as a good part of God’s creation, we, the members of Trinity, created in the image of God, seek to be good stewards of this grace from God, serving one another and the world spanning barriers of race, gender, class, and ethnic background.

Worship and Spiritual Growth:

L: In 2011 we supported three choirs of adults and youth, provided the resources for weekly worship, including monthly communion, and offered several opportunities for members to grow spiritually.

P: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
Come into his presence with singing

Christian Education:

L: Among accomplishments last year in education, we provided for weekly education for our children, and adults; offered a vacation church school open to the community; and offered other study opportunities throughout the year.

P: Know that the Lord is God. It is he that made us, and we are his,
people, and the sheep of his pasture

Buildings and Grounds:

L: We seek to maintain our building, nurture the beauty of our grounds, and provide both churchwide work days and opportunities for individuals to use their gifts in caring for our property.

P:Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
And his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him, bless his name.

Church Life and Outreach

L: Among accomplishments last year, we helped provide for Trinity members in need, offered the services of a parish nurse and members to care for the ill, provided fellowship activities including movie nights, a knitting fellowship, a warm welcome to all visitors.

P: For the Lord is good; his steadfast love
endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.

Community and World Service:

L: This past year, we participated in the Presbyterian Interracial Dialogue, worked at the Samaritan Inn Night Shelter, shared in the Adopt-a-Park project at Bolton Park, and joined with the interfaith communities of Winston-Salem to raise a record amount of funds to feed the hungry both locally and around the world and provided Church World Service health and school kits.

P: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.

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