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Church in an Evolving World

Liturgy as Celebration of God’s Gifts of Grace

By July 22, 2008No Comments

The worship experience provides several opportunities to lift up the experiences of grace within the life of a congregation. The pastor has the opportunity in the sermon to lay the life of Christ alongside the life of the congregation and dare to expose the correlation which makes the congregation’s experience plain. The corporate prayers of the people is the setting in which to give God thanks for the marvelous ways in which God’s grace is made visible. The often disparaged time for announcements becomes a moment in which to lift up the opportunities for grace which God has placed in our paths. The offering is a chance to celebrate the gift of generosity however concealed it is behind the selfish demon that possesses our society.

However “tight fisted” a congregation may appear when compared to some Biblical ideal, it is a rare congregation that does not have examples of generosity which provide a glimpse of the generous love of God. But even if congregants do not have eyes to see these graces and are reluctant to use their lips to proclaim specific incidents of God’s kindness in the midst of the congregation, they are promised the presence of Christ in the experience of worship. The presence of Christ is not dependent upon the quality of leadership or the specific forms of worship. When you sincerely come to offer your praise to God, Christ can speak to you.

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