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ClergySpiritual Health

Living the Lord’s Prayer (3)

By November 29, 2011No Comments

For your third week of living the Lord’s Prayer, I offer you the petition, “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” (I’m of the Reformed faith, but if your version is trespasses or sins, that also works.) The focus of this petition is reconciliation. We live in a world of alienation and we see that in the break up of community among friends and marriages to war. The focus of the Great Commandment is love — of God and of one another.

In this third week, you are invited to take the initiative to live counter to that alienation. Begin in a small way but consider one act of reconciliation that you might take. It might start with an email, a phone call, a visit, etc. The idea is to pick on one individual who feels separated from you personally and to take the initiative to reach across that barrier as an act of faith. In the same way that we count on God’s reconciling love, do not consider whether they deserve your action. It may be best if they don’t deserve it and you do it anyway. That is what we hope from God.

To encourage you to take that act, share your intention with your chosen three to five colleagues that are engaged in this commitment to live the Lord’s Prayer. As they make their commitment and pass it on to you, take some time to pray for them as they are praying for you.

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