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ClergyRetirementSpecialized Ministry


By May 16, 2014No Comments


I retired in June of 2006. The first thing I wanted to do was find a good book that had no redeeming value except that it was a good story. I took that book to my back porch and I read it from beginning to end. It was a wonderful experience. But then the book was done and I had to decide what else I was going to do.

I know of pastors who choose to complete all those home projects that they have been putting off. Others decide to take a trip or go for a hike in a park. Now there may be pastors who choose to trace some subject on the internet or catch up on friendships long neglected. I knew of one man whose goal upon retirement was to play golf every day for a month. But for most of us, that first luxurious experience of being free from responsibilities soon comes to an end.


There comes a time when we have to decide what we are going to do when we grow up. Yes, even in retirement, we still have to grow up. For clergy, we express that in trying to discern God’s call in our lives. It can be a radically different call, but it is a direction in life that continues to have integrity.

My suggestion is that we enter into a time of retreat that allows us to drink deeply of God’s spirit as it works on our soul. We now have some extra time to sit back and reflect, pray, listen to God, and discern God’s future for us. It always struck me that both Abram and Moses heard the call of God in their 80s.


As part of that retreat, take some time to reflect back on your ministry. What were the gifts, interests, and invitations of the Spirit that you weren’t able to pursue at the time but still linger in your soul. This prayerful reflection can take place over a number of days. Keep note of some of your thoughts and see how they unfold.

It is also a good time to explore Scripture, this time without a possible sermon in mind. Think of the various biblical stories that have been your favorites as well as some of the Scripture passages that have always been part of your memory.

Bring those two streams of thought together and allow them to circle around the question of what God might be calling you to do at this time in your life. Don’t look for answers right away. Be patient with the process. Maybe keep a journal of your thinking. Let God’s intention slowly unfold in your awareness.

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