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Loving Other Clergy

By August 20, 2010No Comments

As we wind down the summer and before we get fully into the pressures of the fall, I want to suggest a good deed to do.

Pick out a clergy, maybe in your neighborhood, not necessarily in your denomination, and invite him or her out to lunch.

It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Yet how often do we get so caught up in the demands of the ministry that we neglect to “love our neighbor” who happens to be another clergy person. I think if you deliberately choose someone you don’t know very well and issue the invitation, you will discover both personal pleasure and a deep appreciation from the one you invite.You will benefit from choosing some diversity in your lunch choice. If you work in a community with a rabbi or imam, you might consider that as a possibility. You might also consider someone who appears to be different theologically or from some other perspective.

You are building a relationship that may well be beneficial in future ministry. The future of most moderate to small churches is going to be in building coalitions with other similar churches for common ministry in the community. That happens best when you have built a relationship before the specific ministry is chosen.

Do it now while there is still some time in your schedule.

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