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Making a List and Checking It Twice

By November 14, 2014No Comments

Think Before You Act

OK, this is not a Christmas blog, but it is about making a list. Recently I have been made aware of several clergy who have been caught in embarrassing situations because of decisions that they have made. Those decisions may have been about boundary issues, ethical behavior, response to conflict, or matters of personal integrity. It made me aware of how easy it is to slip up and have it affect you the rest of your life.

In retrospect, these clergy could have made a better decision but at the time, they simply acted. I think there is real value in occasionally identifying in concrete terms some of the values and behaviors you want to have in play when you are involved in the stresses of ministry.

Here is an exercise that I offer you as an initial step in that direction. Take a piece of paper, or if you are so inclined, bring up a fresh blank document on your computer or notebook. Take a deep breath and then respond to the following:

What are the five top impressions you would want any church member to see in you?

You may want to make your own list before you see mine.

Whether they agree with me or not, I want them have some of the following impressions.

That I am sincere in my faith.


That I am committed to what is best in the church both locally and world-wide.


That I have the courage of my convictions but also have the capacity to understand that I am not always right and therefore need to stay open.


That I love people more than being right but sometimes struggle with the tension between the two.


That I care for the person I am talking to even when I disagree with that person. That I strive to see the image of God in that person no matter how distorted that image is.


This doesn’t solve all the issues that we encounter in ministry but it does help shape my behavior when I have to make decisions in the thick of ministry.

How did your list compare to mine? What if you invited several colleagues to make their list and then share them as a group?

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