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Church in an Evolving World

Modern Day Pharaoh & Worship

By October 21, 2008No Comments

We continue to exegete a congregation.

From the beginning Highland planned for disobedience. In determining the size of the new sanctuary to be built, their new pastor, The Reverend Staples, pointed out that he would rather have two services than have a sanctuary that was half empty. Since it was the pattern of other churches that a church of 1200 had a worship attendance of about 450, it was decided to build the sanctuary to have a capacity for 450 people in addition to the choir.

While they have occasionally experimented with two services of worship, they have rarely had a problem seating all the people who came on any given Sunday to worship in the sanctuary.

On the one hand, it was a remarkable act of faith to plan for a congregation of 1200 members from the beginning. On the other hand, what does it say that the pattern of Christian worship is only about 37%? Is it possible that that is why we are not as free as we are meant to be in our daily living? If it is not the pharaoh which prevents us from going to a place apart to worship God, what are the authorities in our lives which prevent us from setting aside time to worship?

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