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By November 4, 2022No Comments


On November 16, I will republish my novel Shock and Awe, but with an experimental new format. People who are interested in how a congregation can creatively deal with racism in a way that helps the church grow spiritually will have a win/win with this new book. On one level, they can enjoy a good story and experience vicariously how a church experiences the issues around racism and the church. On another level, at the end of each chapter, there will be a QR  code that they can open that will suggest an exercise or a set of questions that can allow the reader to go deeper into the subject. To redemptively confront the shameful history of racism in the church requires Christians to move beyond the twin forces of DENIAL•and paralyzing GUILT. This can help the reader do just that.


Shock and Awe follows  the story of the Reverend Fred Livinggood, a moderately liberal pastor in a Caucasian church, who is confronted by the violence of racism and chooses to take action. What does it look like when racism tears at a church and Fred uses technology to have a church-wide conversation in which diverse people learn to listen to each other? How can God speak through conflict to offer hope and renewal? Watch as Fred and his Black clergy colleague, Tony, seek to adapt the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission to enable the church, Black and White, to honestly explore the power of•CONFESSION and•FORGIVENESSto reconnect the racially divided community of faith and offer a healing hope to our fractured society.

Two additional non-fiction books on the subject are also available. Racism and God’s Grace and Racism and God’s Invitation  offer step-by-step guides for a church that wants to address racism with creative hope. Go to and get a copy of a book that can guide the whole church to act in a way that trusts God to offer a way to overcome racism and celebrate the diverse world that God loves.   Check this out. We can do this. We are not alone.

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