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By December 20, 20194 Comments

My Mother’s Heart

Written in loving memory of Sandra McCutchan by her daughter, Sonia Quinonez

My mother’s heart nurtured a partnership of 60 years with my dad

through 7 years of courtship and 53 years of a marriage that wove together solidarity, adventurousness and mutual admiration,

a marriage that made them each stronger and that modeled for the rest of us how love should act.

My mother’s heart emboldened her two daughters to face life’s challenges,

to grow and overcome but never turn numb to injustices or the pain of others.

My mother’s heart welcomed my husband into her family with open arms and numerous thoughtful actions

that regularly reminded him he belonged and was a valued member of our family. 

My mother’s heart cherished her two grandchildren,

adoring them, teaching them, and building their confidence to transform into the amazing young adults they’ve become.

My mother’s heart championed my sister’s “little sister” Doynisha

encouraging her, shopping with her, advising her, and celebrating the way she, too, overcame life’s challenges and blossomed into young adulthood.

My mother’s heart strengthened every community in which she lived through behind-the-scenes service and organizing

from Mansfield OH to Puerto Rico

to Toms River NJ to New York City

to Bethesda MD to Wellsboro PA

to Winston-Salem NC and to Westminster Shores in St Petersburg FL.

My mother’s heart fashioned gifts and care packages that were both practical and infused with reminders of her love,

that made each of our lives fuller, easier and more comfortable because of her creativity and attention to detail.

My mother’s heart sustained her through 17 years of battling chronic leukemia,

steadfastly committed to disciplines of medications, diet, exercise, chemotherapy and faith.

My mother’s heart ignited joy in our family traditions, milestone events, and special travels,

through careful planning, delicious baking and thoughtful photo albums that preserved those special moments

and enable us still to remember, share and relive them over and over.

My mother’s heart beat strong long after her other organs began to fail.

My mother’s heart beats on now through the memories, the legacy and the love she so generously bestowed and engendered in each of us.

NOVEMBER 30, 2019

My two daughters, Sonia and Nicole, are my major support during our time of grief.


  • Sibyl Hull says:

    What a beautiful tribute to Sandy. It is so true in every respect. I have enjoyed Sandy’s friendship for five years here at Westminster Shores and miss her terribly. Sandy did everything she could to extend her life here on Earth, and I have to believe that she has accomplished the purpose(s) for which she was born. That does not make our losing her any less painful. Her legacy of love, faith, service and her passion for justice lives on through her daughters and grandchildren and through those whose lives she touched. Steve, you married an incredible woman. May the memories of your life together in service to Our Lord Jesus Christ comfort and sustain you through this dark valley of separation.

  • Jim Splitt says:

    WOW! What a blessing.

  • Marybeth Davis says:

    Sandy was such a special person. I’m so sorry she is no longer living. I hope and pray for God’s comfort for you all.

    Marybeth Davis

  • Full of beauty and grace, just as Sandy herself. What a heartening tribute.

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