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New Beginnings (5)

By October 10, 2012No Comments

A critical issue for any pastor, but perhaps especially as s/he begins a new call, is remembering and staying in touch with the source of his or her call. From the biblical stories of God’s call, we know that we can not always count on success or pleasure as criteria for discerning God’s call. However, when we are confident of God’s call, it can sustain us in whatever circumstances we find ourselves.

However, God’s call does have implications for how we care for ourselves. If we are called by God, then is not the following true. If we let our physical health decline because of bad habits, are not those actions of disobedience? If we let our emotional state dictate our behavior, is this not a case of lack of trust? If we are foolish with our finances and therefore get into a financial bind, is this not a case of poor stewardship? If our family relations fall apart, what does that say about our understanding of covenant? If our spiritual health decreases, are we not confronted with a case of spiritual blindness? So all aspects of our health reflect on our obedience to the call of God.

Having said that, it is also true that our faith is that God chooses to work through less than perfect people. From Abraham to David, to the disciples, those called by God were far from perfect people. We don’t need to be perfect to praise God but when we strive to be faithful, God is praised. The chief end of humanity is to glorify God and enjoy God forever.

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