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New Punchy Prayers

By May 26, 2009No Comments

After I shared the last set of punchy prayers, I started thinking about new ones.

1. Lord, I said,
People don’t appreciate
how hard I work
as a pastor.

Jesus didn’t find the cross
very easy either,
God said.

2. Lord, I said,
When will people
learn to live in peace?

Your learning to love
your enemy
is a beginning,
God said.

3. Lord, I said,
How can you expect
me to forgive another
490 times?

I find it
gets easier
with practice,
God said.

4. Lord, I said,
I’ve forgiven
one person
75 times.
That’s enough.

Shall I count
how many times
I’ve forgiven you,
God said.

5. Lord, I said,
If I give
a beggar money,
He might use it foolishly.

That same thought
crossed my mind
when I gave you
a blessing,
God said.

Try it, you’ll like it. It’s a great reliever of stress.

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