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News From Mexico

By August 12, 2009No Comments

I just have a couple of days left in Mexico. I’ve been lecturing each day about theological concepts that are grounded in the Old Testament and linked to the New Testament. It has been a fascinating trip through the Scripture for me and I hope for these pstors.

It has also been an opportunity to see the Mexican Presbyterian Church. It has been expanding at a rapid pace and soon will outstrip the Presbyterian church in the USA in size. At the same time, it is a very young church, having only established its independence from the mission work of the PCUSA in the 90’s. As a very young church in a very rich older culture, it has a lot of growing pains. The battles articulated in the Corinthian’s letters are very real here. The Good News, that we continually need to remind ourselves of in the USA as well, is that grace continues to slip through in a community of people that are hungry for the word that they are receiving.

The infighting is sad and at times painful, but the struggle is a valuable reflection on how the power of God is made perfect in our weakness.

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