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ClergyCongregationsSpiritual Health

Nurturing the Spirit in the Congregation

By November 9, 2011No Comments

Having discussed this together as a session and with the pastor, on a given Sunday an elder will be invited to stand before the congregation as part of a worship service. S/he will speak to the congregation of three dimensions of God’s call in the congregation. We affirm that God has called the pastor(s) to serve this congregation. We affirm that it is by the movement of the Spirit that certain people have been asked to serve as elders and deacons within the congregation. Third, we believe that God has called this congregation into ministry. As it is for an individual, each congregation has a call from God that is unique to its setting.

The elder will then ask the members of the congregation and guests present to enter into a time of silent meditation seeking to understand the nature of God’s call for the pastor(s) of the congregation, for the elders and deacons, and for the congregation as a whole. After a few moments for this reflection, the elder will ask them to further consider how God is calling each of them to support these three different parts of God’s call in this Christian community.

The elder will then conclude with a prayer thanking God for the privilege of God’s call and for the presence of the Spirit who has gifted this congregation and its leaders with the gifts of ministry.

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