As you begin thinking about retirement, it is important to think about your platform. That is, who are you? In retirement, you are still ordained but you are no longer Rev. Jones, pastor of Blessings church, or presbytery executive, etc. Trust me, it’s different to say I’m a retired pastor. That is not who you are. That is a description of what you have been. Think of it this way, if you were to make a new calling card, what would you like to put after your name that would help identify who you are. Play with this and try out some different possibilities. It will help you think through the promise of this next chapter of your life.
When I retired, I created my card that said,”Stephen McCutchan, theologian and author.” It was my understanding that I was still called by God and those were the two areas that I wanted to focus on. One of my goals was to publish some books that I had been thinking about. In my first three years I have been able to publish four books and continue to work on some theological reflections on the pastorate.
It is also ok to have some fun with that description. I remember seeing a bumper sticker that read, “Retired priest, no more Mr. nice guy.” That may describe less of what he hoped to become than the frustrations he felt in his profession. A better way to think of this is what are the one or two areas you would like to focus more energy and time. We will talk more about time tomorrow, but think about the shift of energy. Maybe your caption might be, “Reverend Jones, grandfather and vacation home decorator.”
For now, don’t think of a long term decision but only how you would like to spend the first year. I have a friend who just retired who tells everyone that he is on sabbatical for this first year. That alone helps him respond to the many requests that come to newly retired clergy to be on this board or serve in this agency.
Go ahead, how would you describe who you are in the first year?