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LiturgySpiritual Health

Pastors Need Their Own Lenten Experience

By February 20, 2015One Comment

OK, Ash Wednesday is past and you are now looking towards the multiple activities that enable your congregation to have a meaningful lenten experience. For most pastors, Lent is a hectic five-week season prior to an even more hectic Holy Week that culminates in the celebration of the resurrection on Easter Sunday. You work hard to provide quality experiences of worship, Lenten devotionals, and other events that will encourage Christians to deepen their faith and experience a renewal of their lives. As a pastor, you pour out your energies on behalf of your congregation and look forward to it being over—not because you lack faith but because the events of the season are so demanding that you do not have time to nurture your own faith.




Consider a personal Lenten discipline that you could practice in the midst of your exhausting schedule and be nurtured in the Spirit. You are invited to take out your calendar and identify one-half hour each Wednesday from Ash Wednesday until Easter that you would commit to opening yourself to the presence of God in your personal life. More specifically, you are invited to experience a series of Lenten reflections on the meaning of God’s call in your life.

Take advantage of your sanctuary as the location for your weekly half-hour retreats. The sanctuary is filled with the symbols of the faith, and it is where you engage your people on a regular basis. (If you are not active as a pastor of a church, seek out neighboring church sanctuary or chapel for your retreat.)

Each of the seven reflections on your call to ministry described here makes use of the psalms offered in the Revised Common Lectionary for the season. The focus of your time of prayer and reflection, stimulated by the words of the psalm, is on deepening and renewing your sense of God’s call in your ministry and life.

I will provide you the reflection for this past Ash Wednesday today to begin your experience and then provide you a new experience each Wednesday until Easter.

Ash Wednesday

The psalm for Ash Wednesday is Psalm 51:1-17. If ashes are available, take some with you into the sanctuary. Sit about halfway back on a center aisle so that you have a clear view of the chancel area. Think about your sense of God’s call, your current ministry, and how you are feeling about your ministry at this time. Then slowly read the psalm, noting any words or phrases that jump out at you, and pray that God can cleanse you of any negative feelings and renew the “joy of your salvation and sustain in [you] a willing spirit” (51:12) as you enter into this season of reflection on your call.

You may want to read the passage several times. If it feels right to you, you can apply ashes to your forehead at the conclusion of your time as a sign of your commitment.

By 8 a.m. Each Wednesday

Come to this site each Wednesday morning for an additional suggestions.

One Comment

  • Kelly Carpenter says:

    Thanks for this Steve. Hope the weather is good for you in the deep south. This was very helpful to me.

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