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ClergyEmotional Health

Personal Gratitude

By September 3, 2010No Comments

Today is my anniversary of 44 years of marriage. As I approach 70 years of age, next February, and consider my 44 years of marriage, I am filled with gratitude for the life that I have lived. I’ve had the highs and lows that everyone experiences, sometimes resented not being paid what I felt I was worth or appreciated for what I was doing, but if the prayer was that God would provide me each day my daily bread, then I have to say that God has been more than faithful in answering that prayer.

I would pray that others who have responded to God’s call can feel the same overall satisfaction that I have in my ministry. It is not an easy world in which to minister. I don’t know whether it is growing more complex or not but I do believe that the importance of our witness is more significant than ever. In a time when people are consumed by the crass and the trivial, it is important that there be a witness to the sacred and the eternal.

Religion is critical and often destructive factor in the politics of our age. The difference between those who believe they are the agents of God’s truth and those who are willing to submit to God’s will, even when they don’t fully understand, is the difference between violence and peace.

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