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Positive Congregational Experience During Pastor’s Sabbatical

By December 4, 2009No Comments

I think that it is important to build into a pastor’s sabbatical experience a positive way in which the congregation can also feel they are experiencing something special during those several months. My goal would be that when the pastor returned from sabbatical both s/he and the congregation could reflect on the benefits of their experience during that time. It could be done in several ways but let me suggest one way for consideration.

What if prior to the pastor’s departure, there had been some reflection in sermons or education classes on the meaning of the Sabbath in our contemporary age and especially its benefits for the health of our families. Then, as part of the church’s experience during the pastor’s absence, the church would agree to enter into a Family Sabbath Experience. The idea would be for the church to declare one particular night to be a family sabbath night for members of the church. On that night the church would hold no meetings and each church family would strive to reserve that night to focus on family relationships. Each week the church would suggest a possible focus for the family for that evening. I would suggest the following 10 possibilities for the evening focus.
1. A family game night — age appropriate and even adult couples without children should choose a game to play together.
2. Attend a movie together and top it off with a visit to an ice cream parlor following the movie.
3. A night of “family adventure dreaming.” Dream and plan ahead possible family adventures that could happen in the future.
4. An “Appreciative Interview” evening in which the family would speak of what they particularly appreciate about each individual.
5. The family would choose a volunteer service project that they would engage in together.
6. The best joke night. Each member was to seek out the best jokes they could find and share them with each other.
7. Another game night with the family.
8. A music sing along evening for the family. If no one played an instrument, they could use recorded music.
9. A grab bag choice night in which the family could choose a special focus for the evening.
10. A letter writing night in which the family would compose a letter to the returning pastor to be received at the end of the sabbatical.

In addition, the congregation would plan four congregational family nights such as:
1. A game competition night using a variety of games that matched various age levels.
2. A comedy night in which people would share their best jokes and maybe even some fun roasting about the church.
3. A music night — perhaps with an invited musician that could guide everyone in fun music.
4. Receiving the pastor back home night in which all could share about their sabbatical experience.

Of course there is room for much creativity in designing the experience.

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