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Denominational StaffDenominations

PPPAD??? — Begins in Advent

By November 26, 2014No Comments

Beginning next week in Advent, I want to explore how Presbyteries can be proactive in building communities among churches in this divisive society.


OK, maybe that is a little over the top, but aren’t you tired of hearing about one more church having decided in isolation from their presbyterian neighbors that they are no longer satisfied with belonging to our denomination?

It always frustrated me that couples would come to me for counseling after they had already decided that their marriage wouldn’t work. I even started marriage enrichment classes to be proactive in preventing these splits. I think it is time for presbyteries to do the same.

I also think that Advent is a good time to reflect on this. Maybe the Word can be incarnated in a new body of hope in 2015. Let’s begin to think about it now.

In the meantime, if you want to explore the role that interim’s can play in keeping our churches healthy, may I suggest my new book, An Interim Pastor’s Gift as a nice Christmas present for yourself.

And you might begin this new church year by subscribing to my blog and begin a regular discipline of thinking with me about how we can nurture healthy pastors and healthy congregations.

Shaping healthy churches to receive new pastors.

Shaping healthy churches to receive new pastors.

Happy Thanksgiving

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