Presbytery, or any denominational judicatory, needs to strategize about how to offer support to a pastor’s family. I’m certainly thinking of the pastor’s spouse but also we need to think of the pressures on the children in the family. We need to think about a number of little things that could be done that would be supportive.
First, there are few contexts in which members of the family can talk to others that would understand. Would it be possible to occasionally bring some of the family members together to let them know that they are not alone in what they are feeling. It might be a Saturday morning breakfast or lunch, or one of those Monday holidays where the youth or children are free from school and a special event could be planned. Some age sensitive games could be designed that would invite people to explore what they are experiencing. It would also be a time when the work of their parents could be publicly acknowledged.
A well crafted letter might be occasionally sent to a youth recognizing some of the sacrifices they experience because their mother or father is a pastor and thanking them for their support. It is important for people to realize that they are part of something larger than themselves and it would be affirming for a child or youth to see that they too are part of a larger ministry.
A third idea is this. What if the Presbytery identified some retired pastors and some specialized ministry pastors who would be willing a couple of times a year to offer their services free to conduct worship for a church that would provide a Sunday sabbath for their pastor apart from vacation or study leave. Especially if this were offered on a weekend where there was a Monday holiday, this would be a real treat.
I’m sure there are many other ideas that can be offered, but let this be a beginning.