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Presbytery Fun and Appreciation

By October 5, 2011No Comments

Here is a brief, fun exercise that can encourage appreciation of the varied ministry in your presbytery.

Build a spin wheel divided into six sections: Biblical, Theological, Pastoral, Missional, Evangelical, Liturgical. Like the Wheel of fortune, when it is spun, one does not know where the pointer will stop.

Divide the Presbytery attendees into four sections or if there is a balcony perhaps five sections. Tell them that you will identify a section and then spin the wheel. The challenge is whether that section can, in one minute, identify an example of a congregation other than their own whose ministry exhibits strength in the area identified by the spinner. For example, one might tell of a unique program in a church that builds the biblical literacy of the congregation.

Then a new section of the gathered commissioners is identified and the spinner is turned again and the game continues until all sections have had their opportunity.

Their are several results. First, it can be a fun time in the meeting. Second, it raises awareness of the positive ministry that is taking place in the congregations. Third, it encourages people to be aware of what is happening in other congregations. Fourth, it causes commissioners to become more aware of what is taking place in their own congregation.

All of that could take place in 20 minutes and create a pleasant tone for other aspects of the meeting.

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