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Presbytery Support of Spirituality

By August 26, 2010No Comments

As part of Presbytery’s support of our pastor’s spiritual journey, we can build on Scripture’s declaration that each of us are graced with different gifts of the Spirit that are to be used for the up-building of the Body of Christ? (See 1 Corinthians 14:1ff) There is value in trying to discern the different spiritual gifts that exist among our clergy in any given presbytery?

Begin by simply asking each of the clergy to consider the spiritual gifts that they see among the other clergy. Let them speak publicly of particular gifts that they have seen in other colleagues. The conversation might take place at a retreat, with individuals placed in a “hot seat” so that others can focus on them. Publicly affirming the gifts of colleagues also nurtures their spirituality by recognizing how the Spirit has gifted them.

While it is not as personal, one could also take advantage of the internet to invite clergy to identify the gifts they see in different colleagues. Over time you could highlight each of the clergy and affirm their gifts.

Someone should keep a running list of the gifts affirmed in each individual. Then, having recognized some of the particular gifts that exist in our part of the body, the body can then strategize to enable those mentioned to exercise their gifts on behalf of the larger body.

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