We hired you to be our shepherd, we should not want.
Allow us to rest in pastures of success.
When there are troubles, you should calm the waters.
If we are upset, restore us to feelings of comfort.
Lead us in paths that make us feel righteous.
If dark times arise in the world,
Help us not be afraid.
Use your verbal rod to chastise our enemies,
and your managerial staff to pull us out of difficult moments.
Spread a rich table of activities before us that entertain and delight us.
Affirm and praise us continually and encourage our success.
Encourage a balanced budget and new members that think like us
So that we can rest in this comfortable congregation
Our whole life long.
Sometimes it helps to release your cynicism. Consider rewriting Psalm 23 for a narcissistic pastor. Later I will share my attempt. In the meantime, have fun.