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Punchy Prayer Format (2)

By May 20, 2009No Comments

Lord, I said
I’ve done so much
for this church,
I’m burnt out.

I haven’t reached
that stage yet, God said.

Lord, I said
How can you understand
this crazy world?

I create best
out of chaos, God said.

Lord, I said
What could one person
like me do
to feed the hungry?

One person like Moses
led my people out of Egypt, God said.

Lord, I said,
I don’t always like
what the church does.

Nor do I always like
what you do, God said,
But I continue to love you.

Lord, I said
Don’t you know the people
in this church
are a bunch of hypocrites?

I’ll start by forgiving you, God said.

Lord, I said
The preacher
demands too much from us.

Wait till I tell you
what I have in mind, God said.

Lord, I said,
10% of what I’ve earned
is too much to ask.

What % of what I’ve given you
would be all right, God said.

Well you get the idea. Have fun.

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