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ClergyCongregationsInterim pastors


By December 11, 2013No Comments


OK, so the leadership of a congregation understands that in preparation for the next pastor, they need to sensitize the congregation to the importance of mutual attention to healthy ministry. How does one proceed?

Over the next several blogs, I’m going to suggest some exercises and educational strategies that can be used to engage the congregation in this conversation.

Raising Awareness Among Congregations

 Most congregations don’t deliberately set out to be unsupportive of a pastor. When it is raised to their consciousness, they want to support the pastor but have not thought about it and are not really aware of how to go about such a task. So the first thing the church leadership can do is raise an awareness of the of the demands of ministry.

Either at a congregational meeting or a pot-luck supper, those present can be led in an exercise of how well do we know our pastor.The following sheet can be copied and handed out to those present.


             Below are a list of tasks that a minister performs regularly. Estimate the number of hours you think might be required in the average month. Guessing is allowed and encouraged. When you are finished, total your estimates compared to a month of 45 hour weeks or 180 hours.

TELEPHONE, E-MAIL, CORRESPONDENCE                                                  _____

 ADMINISTRATION                                                                                                _____

 SUPERVISION OF STAFF &/OR VOLUNTEERS                                             ____

 COMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING THE DAY                                                _____

 COMMITTEE MEETINGS HELD AT NIGHT                                                   _____

 WORSHIP PLANNING AND CONDUCTING                                                    ____

 SERMON PREPARATION AND PREACHING                                                 _____

 PRIVATE PRAYER AND SPIRITUAL PRACTICE                                            ____

 CHURCH SCHOOL PLANNING                                                                          _____

 TEACHER / OFFICER TRAINING                                                                      _____

 HOSPITAL OR CRISIS VISITING                                                                       _____

 HOME VISITING                                                                                                    _____

 TEACHING                                                                                                               _____

 COUNSELING                                                                                                         _____

 SPECIAL EVENT PLANNING AND PARTICIPATION                                   _____

            (weddings, funerals, seasonal events, etc.)

 YOUTH MINISTRY                                                                                                 _____

 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY                                                                                      _____

 SERVICE & MISSION WORK                                                                               _____

 COMMUNITY WORK WITH OTHER CHURCHES                                        _____

 EVANGELISM AND WITNESS                                                                            _____

 DENOMINATIONAL WORK                                                                                _____

                                                                                    TOTAL HOURS                    _____

Now that you have an approximate estimate of the time demands of the ministry, consider the continual emotional rollercoaster that can be experienced by the pastor in the regular performance of these tasks.

Identify 3 – 4 tasks in any of the above categories that would trigger strong emotions (both positive and negative)

Identify 2 -3 tasks that need to be performed but do not contain much personal satisfaction in the performance. They might even be boring or cause low self-esteem.

While it might not always be true, consider which tasks might be in tension with the pastor’s faith and/or integrity. What can you imagine that s/he be asked to do that might conflict with what s/he believes is faithful.

Try to make 2 to 3 statements about such possibilities.

By guiding a congregation through such reflections, you provide a context for considering the importance of being intentional about offering clergy support.

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