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Church in an Evolving World

Responding to the Image of God in Other People

By September 25, 2008No Comments

In a less radical vein, the church accompanies all of its members as they move out into their world of home, work,and play. Every interaction that they experience is an opportunity to respond to the image of God in other people and thereby affirm the worth of their souls.

It may be in the quiet refusal to participate in a pattern of discrimination in relation to someone who is different from his or her co-workers. The battles that we fight to change the structures of injustice and oppression are a way to honor the goodness of God’s creation. It may be the public protest against sexual harrasment in the workplace or the encouragement and support of your company as it adopts policies that protect the environment.

Different members are called to different missions, some very public and some very private, but they are all a way of being obedient to the address of Christ.

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