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Restoring One Body of Christ

By June 3, 2022No Comments

We live in a world that wants a theology of comfort and we are inspired by a G


We live in a culture that emphasizes individualism.  “I” is what is important. What affects me positively is attractive and what asks sacrifice is a major challenge to my life. Despite the fact that the Gospel challenges this view of life with is emphasis on relationships, in many ways the church has fallen victim to it. I join a church. I ask the church to care for me and my family. I decide whether to stay or leave a church based on whether it is meeting my needs or not.  


In this age of institutional distrust, the church needs some experiences that help the membership reconnect. Central to the church’s identity is the belief that by our baptism are invited to be part of the Body of Christ. The next few blogs will explore ways to emphasize the communal connection within the Body of Christ.

What if you can use modern technology to connect your membership and engage them in a spiritual conversation that deepens their faith and offers them a vision of being called to be part of the One Body of Christ that reaches across the world. If God is the sovereign Lord of all creation and has called the church to be a light unto the world, then members have a firmer foundation upon which to stand as they adjust to this rapidly changing world.


While the world seems to increasingly be divided into different ideological camps, we are also able to instantly communicate with people in all part of the world.  Consider the possibility of making use of that technology to build a community first among members and then with other churches both geographically near and far away. This is the power of the internet where even one person can connect with and form bonds of community with people around the globe.

With your session’s approval, consider sending a letter of invitation to your membership inviting them to all participate.


  1. Explain the idea to your governing board and get their confirmation.
  2. Identify 3 or 4 pastors in other states (or even another country) with which you will share the plan and invite them to agree to engage in the same process with their congregation. At least in this first experience, it will be best if the churches were of relatively same size.

I’m suggesting your first experience be with clergy in other states and another country because it will likely spark the interest and imagination of your membership.

Later, you can do it with other churches in your judicatory or churches of different denominations in your neighborhood. Each has their benefits.

  • Identify two sets of members with special gifts; one with a gift in computer technology or information technology and a couple with a willingness to summarize the information you receive from your membership into a composite report.
  • Set up a separate email account for this project—like a Gmail account.

Second Step

Set up an invitation letter to your membership. Share it with your partner pastors so that you are sending the same invitation in all of your congregations. 

            You may adapt the following sample letter to explain the idea to your membership.

Sample letter

Dear  ___________________

I have asked the Session (or your church governing board) to invite you to participate in what I hope will be an enlightening but also fun spiritual conversation among our membership. Since we live in an age of technology and instant communication, I propose that we try this through the internet. This also will enable us to also reach across the miles and share the composite response with congregations in other areas and cultures.  It will be an enjoyable way to see our similarities and differences.

I want to engage our whole congregation in a spiritual conversation. The process is that over the next several months, I will send you a series of emails (one every couple of weeks and no more than six in this first round.) asking you to respond to some questions about your experience of the church and your own spiritual experience.  In respecting the hectic pace of all our lives, I am asking you to hit respond and reply with no more than two or three sentences to each question. This is intended to be a collection of your first visceral response. There will be time for deeper reflection later.

I have asked (name of person) to receive your responses sent to ???? and to gather them into a composite response without names attached to create an image of our church body. The result will demonstrate both our diversity and commonality of faith.

Now here is a fun addition to our experience. I have contacted three other clergy who pastor in (name the states and one pastor in another country) to conduct the same survey of the membership of their congregations. Have you ever wondered if people in different sections of the country think differently than you do?  What about in a different culture or country?

You are free not to make a response to any individual question posed, but I hope you will participate. It will be important to get as many members as possible to participate so that we can build a whole picture. Therefore, regardless of the level of your participation in our congregation, your response will help construct a complete picture. 

I’m counting on all of us to be blessed by this experience.

Pastor’s name

I’ll show you a sample interview in the next blog.

This material is drawn from One Body of Christ

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