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Retirement and Spiritual Discernment

By September 30, 2010No Comments

Reflect back on how you discerned God’s call that started you on the journey towards ministry. It is different for different people, but your personal experience may provide some clues as to what to look for as you seek to listen to God as regards your future.

As a first step, take some time to write about that awareness of call as it now appears to you in retrospect. Was there an incident, dramatic or otherwise, that filled you with awareness of God’s call? Was it a growing awareness of where your gifts could be best used? Was it the comments of friends and family that moved you in this direction? Was it a religious experience or was it an ordinary experience that seemed to carry significant meaning for you personally? Try to describe from your perspective of now entering retirement how it was that God called you to ministry. It is not a formal essay but do include any interesting details that come to mind.

Give it a rest for a week or so and then return to what you have written. Now you are looking for clues to how God works in your life. You might find it valuable to share it with a trusted friend or spiritual adviser. Invite that person to note any clues s/he sees even as you do the same. Since you are exploring the spiritual side of your life, also look for any biblical images that come to mind. All of this becomes resources for helping you to again listen to God at this moment in your life.

More Tomorrow.

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