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Revisiting Underused Gifts

By June 26, 2009No Comments

In looking at how you can care for your emotions, do not neglect to recognize the healing power of underused gifts. I recently asked my staff to identify some gifts that they had but have not had an opportunity to develop lately. Each of them reflected on either gifts that they once used and had lately neglected or ones that because of forks in their journey of life had been left behind.

Either talking to a friend or using a piece of paper, I would invite you to take a moment to reflect on gifts you have that are not being used. I discovered in trying this with a session in my church that it is important to do this without thinking that it will produce more work. Assume that you had some more free time, what are some of your gifts that you might enjoy developing.

Now think creatiively how such gifts might contribute to your life even if they were only used in small ways. Sometimes you can develop tasks at work or home that draw upon those gifts. At other times they are an interruption on the otherwise demanding life. What I do think you will discover is that in even contemplating how they might be developed and used in a new way you will discover a lift to your spirits.

As we develop and use our gifts, we discover an affirmation of our life. Too often we find ourselves being ground down by the constant demands of our life and fail to open ourselves to our creative side. God gave us our gifts for a purpose. Drawing upon them can nurture and heal us from the wounds of our life.

You are more than you have dreamed of, so dream a little and discover some new sides of yourself.

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