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Sabbatical Moments (3)

By January 30, 2013No Comments

Let’s look at some brief sabbatical moments that might contribute to your emotional health. Remember that sabbatical moments interrupt your productive time, take you outside of the pressures and demands, and allows you to simply rest in being yourself.

For example, interrupting your productive work and calling a friend who you haven’t contacted in awhile can benefit both you and the friend. Writing a brief note to child or parent could also give you a feeling of well-being. Either activity builds on the second aspect of the sabbath — that of acting to build community. It is so easy for us to get so driven by our work that we isolate ourselves from the very ones who are important to us.

Another activity that could benefit you emotionally would be to find a juicy novel whose only benefit was to entertain you. Now, bring that novel to work, covered in a brown paper bag if necessary. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon, stop everything and read seven pages or for seven minutes. Then go back to work but anticipate the next time you can take your seven break.

Taking time for anticipation can be a good sabbatical moment. Take a piece of paper and for seven minutes simply write describing a pleasurable experience that you would like to have. After you have written it, at the next break begin to describe the steps you would have to take for this to be a reality. On your third break, you might identify the people you would need to contact or the resources you would need to gather to make this a reality. The very act of anticipation as you move through this process can have a rejuvenating  effect.

A fourth brief sabbatical moment draws upon the power of gratitude. Regardless of the stress of your day, take a moment to name seven things in your life for which you are grateful. They can be as basic as being able to walk, taste food, or see. Or it might be in terms of relationships or talents you have in life. There are always things that remind you of the goodness of life that are worth reflecting on.

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