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Sabbatical Moments (9) Vocation

By February 22, 2013No Comments

If you have been following the process, one 15 minute break at a time, you now have several biblical stories of call both from memory and then from the actual biblical reference. At your next 15 minute break, simply let your eyes rove over the various stories that you have written and then close your eyes and continue to reflect for ten minutes or so. Notice which of these stories that you have been working on seem to stand out for you. Hopefully two or three will stand out more than others. Don’t worry about why at the moment, but simply note them.

Then, at your next break, again sticking to the 15 minute time limits, in a stream of conscience manner, try to reconstitute one of the stories to apply to your current sense of God’s call in your life. For example, what is your modern day burning bush that you feel a need to stop and pay attention to. What is a contemporary way that you can take off your shoes and recognize that you are standing on holy ground even though you are surrounded by what at times seems to be desert waste land. Or, if your story is Paul’s admonition that we are called to be ambassadors of reconciliation, what are the divisions, in church or society, that you sense an inner urgency to address. For example, in my book, “Let’s Have Lunch,” I tell the story of how the issue of race relations in our city led me to respond in what has become a 20 year journey in seeking to heal racial divisions. (My purpose in this blog is not to sell a book, but you can see more about it on Amazon if you are interested.)

Over several breaks, you can write several reconstituted stories. Keep them general at first so that you don’t get hung up on details. Accept on faith that regardless of whether your current situation feels positive or negative, God is at work and has a call for you. Through your series of brief breaks, you are attempting to tease out the parameters of what that might be.

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