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Sabbaticals (8)

By April 2, 2011No Comments

Another possibility for the congregation and pastor upon return from Sabbatical would be to have a congregational visioning time. This should be a fun, celebratory, but important time for everyone to dream together in the presence of God.

Let the event take place in a fellowship hall in which all present can be divided around tables in five locations in the room, or alternately in five rooms in close proximity. The five locations are identified as worship, education, member care, mission, and evangelism. When they first gather in their five locations, they are provided something to drink. During their time in that particular area, worship, education, etc, they are to consider one important feature of the church’s ministry in that area that they want to maintain and one dream that they think the church should consider in the future. A bell ringer signals that they move on to the next location after 20 minutes and they repeat the process only this time they are served their appetizer. The third movement repeats the process but with salad. The fourth with entree, and the last with dessert.

Someone records their ideas and the last 20 minutes is spent together with the pastor responding with some of his own thoughts coming out of his sabbatical with respect to the ministry of the church.

All of this is intended to stimulate the energy and future thinking of the congregation and provide a celebratory experience of new beginning.

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