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ClergyClergy Families

Season of appreciation in Families

By January 11, 2012No Comments

Yesterday we talked about expressing appreciation among colleagues. Today I want to call your attention to the way in which such expressions of appreciation can contribute to the health of a clergy family.

We have just experienced the giving and receiving of gifts during the Christmas season. What about extending that season of generosity within the family by inviting all of them to enter into a season of appreciation. The set up would be simple. Explain to the whole family that you would like everyone of them to observe the other members of the family for a month. (Depending on the ages of the family members, this could be for a longer or shorter period of time.) During that time, they are to make a list of the types of things that they see that person doing which they appreciate. You might even want to provide each member of the family with a small notebook to keep their list in. At the end of that time period, have a special celebrative event at which people share their lists.

The manner of sharing might be to place an individual in the circle and have others take turns naming one thing that they appreciate. Then move to the next person in the circle until all have shared their list. Then switch the family member inside the circle and repeat the process. Be sure to have some good snacks to consume during the process and perhaps a cake or other special dessert to share at the end of the event.

Whether it is a family of two or of five or six, it will be interesting to notice the effect of knowing that you are being observed.

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