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Social Media & building Community

By March 13, 2013No Comments

Here is an idea of how you can bridge the generational gap and build community through social media. It is a common joke among the older generation that if you want to figure out how to do something on your computer, you should ask your grandchild. My idea is that we build on that idea.

Gather a group of youth who feel comfortable with computers, skype, Google, smart phones, etc. Then, have them contact some of the older members of your congregation, particularly ones that might now live in a retirement community, or by physical conditions have become less active outside their home. During that initial visit, maybe in pairs if that makes them more comfortable, ask the older person who they might like to visit via the computer if they were shown how. Once they have identified that person or persons, probably via a phone call, set up a time when the two of them could speak over Skype, Google Hang Out, etc. While the youth can bring his or her laptop for their older friend,  in some cases, the other person may need to go to their church or even their library to have access to a computer with camera, etc. But they could also contact a younger neighbor, church member, etc. who would have a computer.

This may take a couple of visits over time to get completely set up, and in the process the youth and the older person will share stories, etc. They may even teach and learn other things that can be done on a computer, smart phone, etc. In between these visits, the youth will also meet as a group and share their various experiences. All of this leads to the youth getting to see the impact of assisting their now older friend have the pleasure of using modern technology to contact a relative or friend across the miles. Everyone gains.

A follow up might be for several of the youth and their older friends to have a group meeting on google hangout. Or they could set up a similar experience among a group of older friends. To ease anxiety, the youth would agree to be present to assist in any technical problems, etc.

Have fun and come up with other ideas and innovations on how the social media can facilitate community across the generations.

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