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ClergySpecialized Ministry

Specialized Ministry (4)

By March 24, 2011No Comments

Most people who are involved in specialized ministry also are associated with a congregation. Sometimes their family is a part of that congregation or they attend to worship and be part of a community of faith. It would not be difficult to trace down the congregation in which each is associated. Once that is done, the COM or presbytery staff could contact that congregation and provide them with the ordination anniversary date and perhaps a paragraph affirming this specialized ministry and how it fits into the larger picture of the Body of Christ. It would be special if the congregation happened to be other than Presbyterian.

Regardless, the suggestion could be made that the congregation may want to celebrate this ministry. Perhaps a brief liturgy or prayer might be included for them to use. A suggestion might also be made that the congregation explore who else might be involved in specialized ministry and that they be invited to offer a seminar for the congregation on their varied ministries.

If it has not happened before, a commissioning service on behalf of the congregation might be very special. It could be an opportunity to examine the sense of call within the congregation and expand people’s understanding of the variety of ways in which god works. Be creative and have fun.

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