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ClergySpecialized Ministry

Specialized Ministry (5)

By March 25, 2011No Comments

At least in the Presbyterian church, and I suspect in most other denominations as well, those involved in specialized ministry often see the main connection with their judicatory as being one of filling out the yearly report that helps them maintain their ordination vows. At times, they are asked to serve on committees but only infrequently, do they experience the care of their judicatory.

There would be value in the COM or someone forming a list serve by which there could be some regular communication among those involved in these unique ministries. As a beginning, if they are part of the Board of Pensions program, there would be value in explaining some of the special services available to members through the EAP program. Few would probably be aware that they can access addiction counseling, weight loss programs, nurse consultations, and even legal advice.

If the communication was set up in something similar to a facebook sharing, they might also be enriched by sharing with each other as to the challenges they have in their ministry. You could also look in the ToolBox at for particular ways that they can address their own spiritual and vocational health.

By engaging in such communication, you are affirming the various gifts in the larger church and strengthening the bonds among the many servants of God.

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