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ClergySpiritual Health

Spiritual Thanksgiving

By January 12, 2012No Comments

Sometimes there is an uplift to simply taking time to consciously identify some of the many things for which you are appreciative. Here is a simple exercise for an active clergy. You can do this either with a physical notebook, some 3×5 cards, or your version of an IPad. Here is what you do.
Ten minutes before you leave the office or turn your car towards home, simply reflect on the day you have had and note some of the things big or small for which you can give thanks. Sometimes it will be for people. Other times it will be for chance experiences, the weather, a news item that you heard, or a latte you had a chance to purchase. Don’t neglect what might at first seem negative. “I’m thankful that that meeting is over.” The goal is to make a cumulative list over a period of two weeks to a month of all the many things, big and small, for which you are thankful.

At the end of the time period that you have chosen, make note of how the exercise has impacted your attitude and spirit.

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