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Staying Connected

By September 14, 2010No Comments

Yesterday we spoke of recalling the story of your call. I cannot emphasize enough how important that is. As Israel constantly recalled the moment of their release from Egypt as preparation for their future (See Deuteronomy 6:20-25 as an expression of the importance of this remembrance), so we need to recall the moment when the divine touched our lives and gave direction to our lives. It may not be a crossing of the Red (or Reed) Sea moment or a Damascus Road knock down, but something did happen that started this journey of yours.

As was true for Israel and their wilderness journey, your path was not always smooth and at times you wanted to change directions. What was the manna that God has provided you that continued to sustain you. What are the twists and turns that at times changed your direction or deepened your awareness of the significance of your call? That too is important to remember.

What you are doing is reflecting on the journey of your life and, at least in reflection, your awareness of the divine, if invisible, hand that shaped that journey. The more you probe the details of that journey with an awareness of God’s presence in it, the more you will be prepared to face the future of your call.

There is a difference between burn out and worn out. If you are worn out, you need to get some rest. If you are burnt out, you need to rekindle the fire within that set you on this journey.

Tomorrow, more on the nature of the pressures and temptations that seek to quench that fire within you.

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